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2023-04-05 20:39:36励志创业1




He,how are you?

thank you!

How long would you like to stay in these cities?

May I have a map?

OK. Excuse me. May I ask where we are now?

I'm afraid I have lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?


receive 英 [rɪ'siːv]     美 [rɪ'siːv]    

释义:v. 接到;收到;接待

过去式: received 过去分词: received 现在分词: receiving 第三人称单数: receives


用作动词 (v.)

1、Neither John nor I am to receive the award.


2、I was on vacation last week and didn't receive your fax.


3、He was received as an honoured visitor.



v. (动词)





cease fire或hold your fire。具体得看语境,cease fire是停火的意思,hold your fire是美国动作片里很常见的台词,你可以留意一下,看他们是在什么语境下会说hold your fire,在具体的语境中学语言才能对语言有更深入更准确的理解。你问停止射击怎么说,因为没有语境,所以stop shooting是挺好的答案


爸爸:daddy 妈妈:mommy姐姐:elder sister妹妹:sis弟弟:little brother 哥哥:elder brother 叔叔:uncle 姑姑:aunt


但是random在英语当中是“胡乱的;随便的,任意的 ”的意思,当时外教明白他说的意思,但是还是建议他用其他的一些表达方式来表示“随便”。那“随便”的英文说法到底是啥呢?在不同的语境中有不同的翻译法:Whatever!I don't care!who cares!Let it be!以上几者都带有“不在乎”之意。

As you like.

Do as you please. It's up to you.

It depends on you.意为让对方掌握决定权。

voluntariness 是“任意”的意思,也有作“自愿”讲。

casual 作“随便”讲的时候有漫不经心的意思,我们要说“他平时很随便(如不注意着装等)”就可以说成 “He is always casual about life”.

另外,“随便”这个词在中文的非正式用法里可以用来描述在性方面过分随意的人,尤指女子。比如:“她很随便,经常和不同的男人过夜”就可以译成:“She is such an easy girl that she always have sex with different men.”


get a bite to eat 随便吃点东西

Help youself to ....请随便吃点。。。。


cast a glance over随便看一看

drop by 随便访问

你可以回答:Anyone will do.这句话表哪一个都可以,也有随便之意


网络语言常用夸张的说法,现在流行“坑爹”一词。“坑爹”的意思,泛指“坑人”或“骗人”,连父亲老子都敢骗,可见害人程度之深。如果说话人自己被骗,一气之下说出“坑爹”,意思就是“坑我”。说句占便宜的话,以解心头之恨。英语可以译为cheating, deceiving me, just like kidding your father,例如:

1.这样做,不是明摆着坑爹吗?Doing so is obviously cheating, isn’t it?

2.你卖给我的这件衣服质量这么差,不是明显坑爹吗? You sold me such an inferior coat. Obviously, you are deceiving me.

3.你连我都敢蒙,简直就是坑爹。You even dared to deceive me. It is just like kidding your father.



1. I need to go somewhere.  听到这句话可千万别回答成:You can go anywhere you like.那可是要闹大笑话了。I need to go somewhere. 的意思就是我要上厕所。当有老外这么说的时候,指示给他卫生间在哪里就行了。  

2. I want to wash my hands.  你在同女生吃饭的时候有没有注意过她们说我去洗下手?这句话隐含的意思也是我要上厕所。在英语中这句话就是I want to wash my hands.女生说得更客气的一句话是I need to powder my nose.,是很含蓄的说法。 而I want/need to go (or use) to the bathroom/restroom. 则是比较普通的委婉了,程度没有上面两个高。  

3. I need to answer the call of nature.  一种更为文雅的说法称内急为the call of nature,那么上厕所就成了to answer the call of nature.。有时个别年纪大的女士在这种情况下还会说I need to make a pit stop.其实pit stop是指在赛车过程中,赛车在途中紧急停留加油、维修的地方。看来,她们肯定将解决问题看作是一种紧急维修了。  说过了委婉的说法,一些俚语和口语中很直接的说法我们也要了解一下,这些说法经常出现在一些电视剧和电影中,比如I need to go pee.或I need to take a leak (小便)。


spoken English口语English spoken相当于一个形容词,说英语的speaking English一般就是讲英语


They gave him one month notice in advance to move out. 他们提前给他1个月通知搬走。


A: That girl looks very attractive, doesn’t she?

B: do you think so? I don’t like girls who look like that. I like girls who aren’t too slim. If you like her, go and talk to her.

A: I’d like to, but there’s her boyfriend. He’s very broad-shouldered.

B: he’s huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that.

A: do you prefer tall girls or short ones?

B: I don’t mind, but I like girls with long hair.

A: we have different tastes. I like girls with short hair. I like tall girls- probably because I’m so tall myself.

B: have you ever dated a girl taller than you?

A: no, never. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl taller than me! Have you gained weight recently?

B: yes, I have. Perhaps I should go to the gym, like that girl’s boyfriend.

A: I ‘m getting a bit plump myself. Perhaps I’ll go with you.


A: let’s play a little game. I’ll describe someone and you try and guess who it is.

B: ok. I’m really bored at the moment.

A: ok. This man is tall and slim. He’s got blue eyes and curly brown hair.

B: does he have a moustache or a beard?

A: good question. Yes, he has a moustache, but no beard.

B: sounds like mike, is it?

A: yes, it is. You describe someone we both know.

B: right. She’s not very tall and she’s quite plump. She’s got blonder hair, but I don’t know what color her eyes are.

A: is she attractive? I don’t think I know anyone like that.

B: I like slim girls, so I doubt I would find a plump girl attractive. You’ll have to give me some more information.

A: she’s got tiny feet and wears really unfashionable shoes. In fact, she wears unfashionable clothes too.

B: this doesn’t sound like anyone I know. I give up. Teel me who she is.

A; she’s your mother!

B: how embarrassing! I don’t even recognize a description of my own mother! How important do you think appearance is ?

A: I think that unfortunately it’s more important than a person’s character. Advertising and stuff tells us that we have to be attractive. I think it’s wrong, but that’s the way the world is now.

A: I’m afraid you’re right. I chose my girlfriend because she has a wonderful personality.

B: well, you certainly didn’t choose her because of her looks! Hey, I was joking! Don’t hit me!

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