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2023-01-31 06:25:31励志创业1

A fisherman, Bei Gongzhi got a very precious and rareluminous pearl, and all his acquaintances came to congratulate him.


And the minister of the state of Song promised to take him to see the king of the state of Song and promised him that he would get wealth and rank soon.

At this time, this father had just come back home. After hearing this, his father has made a simple living by hunting for a dozen said, "My family has made a simple living by hunting for a dozen generations.

It is easy to become rich and noble if I present the pearl to the king.

       But after you become rich and noble, it is easy for you to become haughty, andhaughtiness will lead to atrocity, and atrocity will lead to wild act, and that will be very close to danger, and a fatal disaster will be imminent.

At that time, it would be impossible to come back to live the simple life of today."

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