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2024-03-03 15:11:04励志创业1


听过这个故事. 我原来还演过那个小男孩呢! 我说点吧 We should love our parents because they give me so much that we cannot return them forever.



The mosquito sells mosquito-repellent incense The mosquito sends the cash is a good thing suddenly. Had it, wants anything to have anything, later will again not need to brave life-threatening to bite the human. Introduced after the keen business sense that the mosquito starts to trade the mosquito-repellent incense. Soon, has really made many money. One day's, a midge flew totteringly: “you are really muddled! You knew that what the mosquito-repellent incense does to use? It the sisters has suffocated yours many brothers!” The mosquito said with something else in mind: “then I could not manage, I could make money by all means!” The midge despairs sighs: “looks like, the money fan capacity for clear thinking's people do not speak the conscience!”


今天我读完了《伊索寓言》这本书,我觉得我受益匪浅。 伊索寓言》是外国的伊索编著的,他以动物为角色,以一个个精美的小故事来告诉人们一个个人生的道理。里面共分为《价值篇》、《学习篇》、《进取篇》、《交往篇》、《哲思篇》、《方法篇》、《祸福篇》、《弱点篇》,以及《计谋篇》。我觉得本书不仅故事有趣,还加深我们的智慧。“一天一篇童话,一天一点智慧。”不错,伊索先生将深刻的人生道理寓于浅显的故事中,让我们在轻松中增长智慧。这本书教会了我们不要自私,不要虚荣,不要瞧不起别人。我相信,这其中的故事,就算很久以后我仍然会记忆犹新的。 世界上各种人的缺点,优点都在此书中一一展现了,如果世界上没有坏人,那也就不会有好人。《伊索寓言》让我的品质,道德方面都得到了升华。里面的故事生动有趣,以第一第二人称的叙述法,将枯燥无味的字串成一个个育人的小故事,让人有一种耳目一新的感觉,我觉得《伊索寓言》真的是一本值得慢慢品位的好书。

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